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Hypoallergenic Cat Litter


Did you know that many cats suffer from allergies? Like people, dust, scents and other irritants in the air can cause a serious runny nose in your cat, as well as itching in the eyes and breathing problems. Often the reason for these health problems is an allergy to cat litter.

Some traditional cat litters are prone to the formation of dust, which can cause an allergy in cats. Moreover, a clumping litter contains sodium bentonite, a chemical agent, which causes many allergies in cats.

One way to avoid allergies and other health problems is to switch to hypoallergenic litter for cats.

What is hypoallergenic cat litter?

Most allergies, including those caused by pollen or dandruff, often cannot be completely cured. Certain drugs can help alleviate the symptoms (for example, itching in the eyes, frequent sneezing and nasal congestion), but a simple way to prevent allergies is to make changes to the environment. When something, such as a cat litter, is marked as hypoallergenic, it means that it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Keep in mind that there are no guarantees that such a litter will work with your pet. Hypoallergenic products can reduce the likelihood of a reaction, but it is still possible, especially with severe allergies. In addition, many manufacturers declare their product to be hypoallergenic, but it is difficult to determine exactly how effective their it really is.

What is the benefit of hypoallergenic litter?

Some pets and their owners really have an allergy to some ingredients of standard clumping and non-clumping cat litter. Just like people, your fluffy friend may suffer from various symptoms of allergies: skin itching, sneezing, burning in the eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the paws and/or loud snoring. Their allergies usually occur due to the dust or smell of a cat litter, but sometimes it all comes down to ingredients. Only careful observation of your pet will help you determine the possible source of allergens. Pay attention to whether your cat's condition worsens after using the litter tray. If your cat generally avoids using the tray, this may mean that they have serious allergies to the litter ingredients that you are using now.

Advantages of hypoallergenic litter

The best hypoallergenic litter helps reduce a runny nose, nasal congestion and itching in the eyes (as well as many other symptoms of allergies), while maintaining the health of your cat. A hypoallergenic cat litter for cats with allergies that does not contain dust, chemicals and artificial flavors has a number of advantages for people and their fluffy friends.

  1. Hypoallergenic litter reduces the risks of allergies in your cat, which can often be caused by dust, scents or chemical ingredients contained in standard litter, which also helps people with allergies.
  2. Cats with sensitive skin can often itch less and experience only slight irritation or rash.
  3. The hypoallergenic litter does not contain dust, which can often deteriorate the chronic respiratory disease in your cat.

What is the best hypoallergenic cat litter and how to find it?

First of all, always check whether the word "hypoallergenic" is used somewhere on the package. Remember that some hypoallergenic litters work better than others. Pay close attention to the composition of the product. Completely natural ingredients better fight allergies, since they are often caused by chemicals, such as sodium bentonite. Look for a hypoallergenic litter that does not contain dust, chemicals and has a natural aroma by 100%. Below are the main properties of top-rated hypoallergenic cat litter

  1. Lack of dust: the dust from the litter is one of the most common causes of allergies in cats, so all hypoallergenic litters should be 99% free of dust. The less dust is thrown into the air when your cat uses a tray, the less it will cause an allergic reaction or aggravate respiratory diseases.
  2. Without bentonite sodium: sodium bentonite is a chemical used in traditional clumping clay litters, so cats with allergies are recommended to avoid its use.
  3. Without smell: a strong aroma of some litters, designed to mask the smell of urine and feces, can also be the cause of your cat allergies. Therefore, the fragrance-free is much safer.
  4. The size of the granules: if possible, choose a litter with larger granules since they do not stick so much to the paws or fur and therefore track less.
  5. Biodegradability: many cat litters are biodegradable, which simplifies their cleaning, since you can simply flush the litter down the toilet, not to mention how much more useful it is for the planet.

It is very important for any cat owner that their pets are happy and healthy. Therefore, it is wise to observe your cat and know about any symptoms of the allergies. If you think that your is really allergic to cat litter, the transition to the hypoallergenic version can really improve your cat's mood and health.

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